Jewish International Schools of Cape Town

At CTTH, we believe that a neat and orderly appearance enhances the focus, concentration, and mood of a student. It also creates a sense of purpose and respect for the student’s daily task of study and education, and a professional and academic environment conducive to learning and growth. Our students are the de facto ambassadors of a Torah education in the city, and must dress the part. Being presentable, neat, and clean is a great Torah value, as it says in the Talmud, “Cleanliness leads to purity, holiness, and humility” (Yerushalmi Shekalim 3:3).
We ask all CTTH parents to please help us maintain a respectable dress code at school, that strikes a balance between absolute uniformity and individuality, as per the ethos of the Cape Town Torah High. We reserve the right to enforce wardrobe infractions by denying admittance to class.
Shirts - Shirts must be white (any brand) or light blue. Shirts must be buttoned up, tucked in, and remain so for the duration of the day.
Seniors can choose the dark blue shirt as well.
Pants - Pants must be black (any brand) or the navy blue, timber, or beige listed below only.
Shoes - Shoes must be black. Dress shoes or black sneakers are fine.
Kippa - Boys are expected to wear their own kipa all day at CTTH. While playing ball, students should have a cap to keep their kipa on.
Tzitzit - Boys are expected to wear Tzitzit at CTTH. The school will have pairs on hand to sell to any students who cannot obtain on their own.
Jerseys - CTTH has sourced excellent jerseys that are warm, dignified, and a jacket (great for indoors too) perfect for the Capetonian winter.
Hair - Hair must be kept at neat length. Peyot are expected to be observed.
Girls are expected to dress according to the Girls Wardrobe
Skirt lengths have to be over the knee. Slits are not allowed to go above the knee.
School cardigan or jackets.
Hair of any natural hair color, and hairstyle should be appropriate for school.
Visible and appropriate single piercings in ears only.
Dark takkies/ dress shoes/ pumps.
No nail polish/makeup/showy jewelry