Jewish International Schools of Cape Town

Cape Town Torah High
School-Wide Core Values
Expected Schoolwide Learner Results - ESLRs
1. Midot Tovot - Good Character
Students live up to ethical and Jewish standards in their personal and professional lives, with exemplary “Midot Tovot”, such as sensitivity, honesty, respect, and kindness to others as they navigate interpersonal relationships.
2. Family/Community Involvement and Leadership
Students will be equipped with the foundation and skills to establish strong Jewish homes and families, and will be fully engaged in the local and global community as members and leaders.
3. Lifelong Learners
Students are self directed and lifelong learners, both in Judaic and General studies, and and challenge themselves to grow spiritually, academically,and emotionally.
4. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Students will possess analytical and thinking skills to decipher, infer, and deeply understand ideas, issues, and texts.
5. Jewish Identity and Israel
Students will be passionate about their Judaism, and apply and relate the timeless wisdom of Torah and Halacha (Jewish law) to their modern lives. Students will possess a feeling of connection and love towards the land of Israel, as well as a healthy understanding of the challenges Israel faces.
6. Effective Communicators
Students are eloquent in the vernacular, whilst equally comfortable with Jewish jargon as they communicate effectively using symbolic and/or language skills of various genres.
7. Healthy Life Choices
Students will live active and healthy lifestyles, in eating and activity.
Cape Town Torah High prepares its students for success in life and career by inspiring them to be knowledgeable, thinking, responsible Jewish adults, by weaving together:
The pursuit of academic excellence maximizing the strengths of the individual;
a commitment to Torah values, the Jewish people and the Land of Israel;
a responsibility to serve our community and improve our world.