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Thank you for visiting our webpage and looking to find out more about our school!

CTTH was established in 2013 organically by a group of parents led by Mrs. Sheila Valentini (founding General Studies principal) passionate about two things: the highest standards of international education, and a commitment to Torah values and Judaics (Kodesh) curriculum.  


We have since grown into a community institution that is creating an educational and Jewish option in Cape Town that was previously non-existent, and has placed the city on the map of the great and vibrant Torah communities.


We are a dual curriculum Jewish High School, dividing our school day between the full range of Torah subjects and the highest levels of General Studies. We are guided by Halacha and Jewish tradition, while embracing modernity and seeking to harness its gifts and curtailing its dangers. We offer both a Boys and Girls Division.


CTTH prepares is graduates to be proud, competent, and inspired Jews, with inner moral strength and convictions, while being equipped to excel in the academic and business world as well. 

Our Philosophy

We are a com­mu­nity of fam­i­lies, a place of car­ing and respect for G-d and human­ity, a place of respon­si­bil­ity, edu­ca­tional excel­lence, and love of learn­ing.


Our passion is to inspire the next generation of Jewish young men and women in Cape Town to take their place in society as educated, proud Jews, who live with a love of Torah, a love for their fellow Jews, and a love for the land of Israel, together with an informed sense of responsibility to their broader community and the world.

Cape Town Torah High is an Ortho­dox Jewish day school that pro­vides High School Judaic and Gen­eral Stud­ies in a sup­port­ive and edu­ca­tion­ally pro­gres­sive environment.


Through our chal­leng­ing pro­gram and indi­vid­u­al­ized approach, we empower our stu­dents to think crit­i­cally, behave eth­i­cally, and embrace learn­ing and Jew­ish tra­di­tion. We inspire the next gen­er­a­tion of Jew­ish lead­ers, com­mit­ted to Yid­dishkeit and to the bet­ter­ment of our world.​


While the teaching philosophy remains the same throughout the school, there are subtle differences between the Junior High and Senior High phases of the school largely due to maturity of the student and the curriculum platform.  Yet, we weave the same ethos throughout the entire school.

Our Board

Rabbi Dani Brett

Mr Simon Brodovcky

Rebbetzen Zeesy Deren

Rabbi Avi Shlomo

Mrs. Sheila Valentini

Rabbi Dovid Wineberg

Rabbi Gavi Ziegler

Mr. Jonathan Zuckerman

About Us - Accreditation

CTTH, a partner in the Jewish International Schools of Cape Town, is ACS WASC accredited (Accrediting Commission for Schools, Western Association of Schools and Colleges) as well as registered with the Western Cape Department of Education. We are a member of the Independent Schools Association of South Africa (ISASA).


We offer a well-balanced dual curriculum, covering all the normative Jewish Studies Kodesh subjects together with the full range of General Studies subjects as determined by the South African Caps Curriculum and by international standards (and a wealth of electives).


Our matriculants’ school-leaving certificate reflects an internationally-accredited curriculum which complies with, and is recognised by, ACS WASC, AdvanceED (US Accreditation Boards) and the South African Matriculation Board. 

Privacy Policy

In compliance with the POPI Act, please find our Privacy Policy here.

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