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Extra Murals 


We believe that in order to keep a healthy mind and body (as well as soul) our students need to be getting exercise daily. On campus, our students play volleyball, soccer, swingball, and dodgeball. We also offer Futsal and yoga. 


We are grateful to Herzlia High School for a partnership that grants our students full access to Herzlia’s extra mural activities after school at 3pm. CTTH arranges the scheduling and lifting to practices, games, and tournaments.














President’s Award


CTTH strongly encourages our students to participate in the President’s Award which is a proud member of the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Association, as part of a family of over 140 countries that operate the Award around the world.


The awards mission is to empower young people between the ages of 14 and 25, by providing a balanced, non-competitive framework for self-development that will increase their self-esteem and enhance their capacity to achieve in whatever context they find themselves: enabling them to become responsible active citizens within their communities.


The Award Programme has proven to develop a culture of self-development  for young people empowering them to develop a culture of exploring their talents and potential.

Chidon HaTanach


CTTH participates in the International Bible Contest (חידון התנ"ך‎‎), a worldwide competition on the Tanach for high school students. It is held annually in Jerusalem, Israel. The syllabus covers about 250 chapters of Tanach, and students must display mastery and proficiency of the material.


Because the event is officially sponsored by the Israeli government, the Prime Minister of Israel usually attends, along with the Minister of Education.

SAT and NBT Exams


We are proud that CTTH is the second SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) Testing Center in the city of Cape Town, and the ONLY one to offer Sunday sittings for Shabbat observance.

Created by the College Board, the SAT is an admission test accepted by almost all colleges and universities around the world, and the College Board has programs to encourage all students to take advantage of higher education. Income-eligible SATtakers receive college application fee waivers and all students can opt in to Student Search Service to receive free information about admission and financial aid from colleges, universities, and scholarship programs.

We have partnered with United Herzlia Schools on this initiative and will use their facilities for the testing. This Center will be available to any other Matric or Post Matric students in Cape Town that wish to take the SAT.


We also train our Matric students for the NBT (National Benchmark Test). The NBTs focus on academic readiness for university study. Each test requires you to apply prior learning - what you know and are able to do - to materials that reflect expectations for first year students in university programmes.

Western Cape Shul RejuveNation Project


There are quite a number of Shuls in the Western Cape that due to dwindling numbers have ceased to function practically for most of the year. Nonetheless, there are many Jews still living in these areas who do not have the ability to attend Jewish programs or Shabbat services locally.


It is for this reason, CTTH has launched the “Western Cape Shul RejuveNation Project”.


CTTH students visit shuls around Cape Town and the Western Cape for a specified Shabbat to lead the services, read the Torah, share relevant Torah thoughts, and connect to the the remaining members of that community, strengthening the bonds across the age and geographical gaps among South African Jewry (hence the stress on rejuveNATION). We will advertise the date of that Shabbat in advance and coordinate with the local members to ensure maximum attendance, a tastefully catered kiddush, and a festive and inspiring atmosphere. The students will be chaperoned, when necessary, by a rabbi or rabbinical intern.

This helps keep those communities alive, train our students to give back to the community and become leaders, and increase community involvement.


We are proud to partner with the Union of Orthodox Synagogues (UOS) on this important endeavor.

45 Maynard Street, Gardens, Cape Town 8001

Tel: +27 21 461 2524 - Email: - Web:


CTTH is accredited by ACS WASC, and is registered as an Independent Combined School in terms of section 30(1) of Western Cape Provincial School Education Act, 1997 (Act No. 12 of 1997). 0100000407

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